Back-to-School Tips to Keep Your Kids Organized in 2023
The summer break is winding down, which means that the back-to-school season nears! Switching back to a study/homework routine can be challenging for your kids, which is why it’s important to get a head start before classes begin. So, to get you and your kids up to speed for the beginning of the academic year, we’ve gathered four useful tips you can use to keep them focused and organized. From making checklists to keeping their own study calendar, these tips will empower you and your kids to tackle the back-to-school season head on.
Use Checklists
Using checklists can greatly improve your kid’s control over their schoolwork. Like a conductor of an orchestra, a checklist can help your kids keep in tune with their responsibilities, helping them hit all the right notes without missing a mark. They can improve your kids’ sense of accomplishment, too, as every task they check off helps them feel more in control of their day. Checklists also serve as excellent time-management tools, helping your kids prioritize tasks and break them down into manageable steps.
Set Up a Designated Study Time
Setting a specific study time for your kids will help them create positive study habits and a knack for organization. This is because it creates a safe space where they can dive into their books without distractions or interruptions. Since your kids will know exactly when and how long they’ll be studying, they’ll also be able to balance their school and leisure time more easily. As they continue to stick to their study schedule, your kids will become more organized and efficient.
Keep a Master Calendar
Having a master calendar can help you and your kids plan each day strategically, ensuring that everyone stays on top of their school commitments. With just a glance at the calendar, your kids will know when tests/assignments are due, and you can even schedule their study and break times so they never miss a beat. Gone will be the days of procrastination and last-minute rushing; instead, they’ll seize every opportunity to learn, grow and excel. If you’re looking for fun breaktime activities to add to your master calendar, you can check out any of our best-selling RC cars or drone toys, including the Scoot Pro, Storm Rider, and Zero G Climber.
Prepare for the Day Ahead
Excellence is not an act but a habit, and daily preparation lays the groundwork for your kids to learn it. That’s why each time your kids prep for the day ahead, they’ll be setting a routine for success. Gym class next week? Then let your kids prepare their gym bags beforehand. Test tomorrow? Then get some sharpened no.2 pencils and erasers and have them ready. By prepping for each upcoming day, your kids will strengthen their time management, organization, and prioritization skills.
By helping your kids stay organized, you’re equipping them with the right tools to navigate the school year with confidence. Which of these strategies are you adding to your kid’s back-to-school habits? Let us know in the comments below, and share these tips with other parents you know that are prepping for the back-to-school season. And remember to tag us to your back-to-school social media posts by using @force1rc or #force1rc.

Using checklists can greatly improve your kid’s control over their schoolwork. Like a conductor of an orchestra, a checklist can help your kids keep in tune with their responsibilities, helping them hit all the right notes without missing a mark. They can improve your kids’ sense of accomplishment, too, as every task they check off helps them feel more in control of their day. Checklists also serve as excellent time-management tools, helping your kids prioritize tasks and break them down into manageable steps.

Setting a specific study time for your kids will help them create positive study habits and a knack for organization. This is because it creates a safe space where they can dive into their books without distractions or interruptions. Since your kids will know exactly when and how long they’ll be studying, they’ll also be able to balance their school and leisure time more easily. As they continue to stick to their study schedule, your kids will become more organized and efficient.

Having a master calendar can help you and your kids plan each day strategically, ensuring that everyone stays on top of their school commitments. With just a glance at the calendar, your kids will know when tests/assignments are due, and you can even schedule their study and break times so they never miss a beat. Gone will be the days of procrastination and last-minute rushing; instead, they’ll seize every opportunity to learn, grow and excel. If you’re looking for fun breaktime activities to add to your master calendar, you can check out any of our best-selling RC cars or drone toys, including the Scoot Pro, Storm Rider, and Zero G Climber.

Excellence is not an act but a habit, and daily preparation lays the groundwork for your kids to learn it. That’s why each time your kids prep for the day ahead, they’ll be setting a routine for success. Gym class next week? Then let your kids prepare their gym bags beforehand. Test tomorrow? Then get some sharpened no.2 pencils and erasers and have them ready. By prepping for each upcoming day, your kids will strengthen their time management, organization, and prioritization skills.
By helping your kids stay organized, you’re equipping them with the right tools to navigate the school year with confidence. Which of these strategies are you adding to your kid’s back-to-school habits? Let us know in the comments below, and share these tips with other parents you know that are prepping for the back-to-school season. And remember to tag us to your back-to-school social media posts by using @force1rc or #force1rc.